An Open Letter to Transgender Kids Coping with a Hurtful President
My name is Stacy. I live in New York City. It’s mid-winter break here, so while I’m at home with my son I watch the news. And cry. If I don’t get red-hot angry, I cry, because there’s a bully in the White House. A hateful bully surrounded by more hateful bullies who’ve used the first weeks of their administration to hurt the most vulnerable in our society. They hurt others to make themselves look strong. They fail.
Please know we support you. Who is this “we”? The millions of us resisting these hatemongers. The millions of us who understand that gender is not a rigid thing — unless imposed upon us in that way. You may have known early — as early as two or three years old — that your gender identity didn’t fit with your assigned gender. You may have figured this out later. Doesn’t matter. You are you. Our job as adults is to protect you, and give you enough space, to be who you are.
No one in their right mind is worried about where you go to the bathroom. Those of us who need to pay attention to clear and present dangers know aggressors when we see them. And we see them in the Trump White House.
I am a woman of color. I know what’s like when men, especially European cisgender straight men, want to make your rights subject to debate. The worst is when they cry “states’ rights.” To me, that’s one cabal of men saying: “we’ll control things here, and let you control things there.” No. As George Takei was saying so eloquently on MSNBC this morning, my federal civil rights don’t end when I cross into Alabama, or into North Carolina. And neither should yours.
I’ll never forget speaking with a transgender-rights activist named Brooke. She told me how only a few years ago, she didn’t feel she could walk outside in her neighborhood during the day. That she would be harassed, or worse. But that has changed. Yet, I’m still haunted by the fact that for years, she was so persecuted she couldn’t even go outside. We can never, ever go back to this. While the streets of NYC can be dangerous for everyone, I am grateful that transgender rights go unchanged here. I pray that fellow allies across America will speak up for transgender kids in their communities so they may be as shielded as possible from Trump’s hate.
Please hang in there. Know that millions of us are resisting the hatemonger-in-chief. Know that we want you to live your life, and thrive, and not have to be in any stupid politician’s crosshairs.
Sending you love and more love.
Artwork by Sirin Thada.